Tuesday, May 22, 2007

CBS Sportsline Brewer Article

Another glowing article on the Brewers. Sounds like The Glue is living up to his name:

"Usually in Jenkins' room, because he's got a suite," Hardy says. "We'll order food on his bill and go have fun."

Nothing like letting the overpaid high-priced veteran handle the bill.

Anyone else know why Nedly wears a coat in like 75 degree weather?


Anonymous said...

Ned seems to do that a lot with the jacket. It looks like he just has a t-shirt on underneath. Might have something to do with his collarbone injury - might be more comfortable with the t-shirt/jacket combo than the full uni.

Anonymous said...

I think Ned just likes how Terry Bevington pulled off that short sleve jacket thing in the 90's because he was fat.

Anonymous said...

Terry Bevington! LOL