Tuesday, July 14, 2009

St Louis' Mike Hunt

H/T to Todd. Good lord, just read this beauty. It's terrible. I'm pretty sure if Pujols walked across the Mississippi river without getting wet, Cardinal fans would say "Yeah, he does that all the time," with a straight face. It finishes with a mention of Prince untucking his shirt, of course:

Cardinals fans warmed up to Prince and gave him applause worthy of a champion. Yes, even though Fielder untucked his shirt, just the way his Brewers do when they beat the Cardinals.

St. Louis cheered for Fielder, anyway. What a gracious and hospitable baseball town. Then again, Fielder was wearing a red jersey.


Lance's Other Nut said...

That guy verbal fellatio he gives Pujols is truly astounding.

Tim said...

I think it may have been FDR who said it best:

"If you don't want to see the shirts untucked, don't lose the fuckin' game.".

lofty said...

Wow....FDR was a smart guy.

Lance's Other Nut said...

I also like how he makes it seem like the Brewers only untuck when they beat the Cardinals

woziszeus said...

Yet again, that guy lives to bring shame to the name Bernie.

Aaron said...

The Brewers need to learn to act like they have been there before...even if they haven't. Win something, how bout a playoff series before the untucking asshole actions come out.

Lance's Other Nut said...

Aaron also probably gets pissed when golfers show emotion and NFL players celebrate touchdowns...

Anonymous said...


They only untuck when they win something. Like a HR Derby. Or a game. You rice-beer tainted, inbred, cow fucking menstrual stain.

PaulNoonan said...

Birds of thin feathers flock together.

Clown said...

As I recall, the bum that attacked me in St. Louis was untucked.

What a fucking shithole.

Aaron said...

Call me all the names you want...they still haven't been there. Or they have but lost. Do they untuck their shirts in celebration after everything they do well?? Hmmm, nice cannonball in the pool Braun, now untuck...wait. Oh and nice run they've been on since Brauny "motivated" them. Dicks

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