And...we're off today. I'll be taking off work in another hour. 10 bucks says Goldy is already in the bag.
Don't fret over the large amount of Cubs fans today people. Again, you must pity them. Rooting for the biggest choke artist's in the history of baseball can't be fun for an entire century. Keep the aspirin ready for them.

wait, aren't you going to guarantee a sweep again?
wv23, you don't learn your lesson, do you? time to pay you another visit, hayseed....
i'm just more confident in the cubs when i get the woz guarantee.
then again, i never feel good about these early season series, for whatever reason.
The requisite styrofoam spitter cups carried by most cubs fans under the age of 30 make this photo suitable for framing.
another cubs blog had a caption contest for that picture.
some of the better finalists were:
1. juiceboxjerry — Jan 10, 2009 @ 05:36 PM
“Dude, I know you’re feeling shitty right now, but stand up, you’ve got a wicked camel toe.”
3. shawndgoldman — Jan 11, 2009 @ 01:37 AM
“Dude, it’s your wife. She’s… um… she’s with Mark Grace right now.”
4. PMayo, Mercurial Outfielder — Jan 12, 2009 @ 06:27 AM
Tickets to the game: $130
4 beers and 2 hot dogs: $50
Watching two douchebags sit on a curb and cry about a game they don’t understand and were too drunk to see anyway: Priceless
6. thisyearcub — Jan 14, 2009 @ 04:40 PM
“Hello, police? Yes, my friend had his McDonald’s cup stolen and I’d like to report it. No, I still have mine.”
Hey WV23, remember what santo's other leg said earlier...The adults are talking. What i don't get is why Brewer fans are so obsessed with the Cubs. Why is it a Brewers fan calls himself Santo's other leg??? Should I start calling myself Prince's other Hoagie? I know I don't like the Brewers, but its almost as Brewer fans get more enjoyment watching the Cubs lose then actually watching the Brewers win. Personally I just hope the Cubs keep winning. If the Cubs play someone other then the Brewers, I really don't care if the Brewers win or lose, but these Wisconsiners, or Wisconsinites, or Wisconsinians or whatever you guys call yourselves are something else.
Your friendly neighborhood Cubs troll here to wish you Brewers fans well this afternoon. Here's to Harden's health, Prince's XXXXL pants and more cubs fans in the ballpark than Brew-crewers!
A Good Friday indeed!
stay classy, oak creek:
Guess Brewer Nation just kicked the Cubs ass today, didn't it. Now STFU hayseeds.
The picture of Weeks throwing down his helmet and the cubs catcher retching after the safe call is just... its just beautiful.
Good game BrewCrew...see you tomorrow.
Great game. Hope all 3 are this exciting.
By the way, there were not very many Cubs fans at all at the game yesterday. It was way less than most years, and strangely enough I enjoyed my self more than most Brewer/Cubs games. Weird.
oak creek is still lost.
What a cheap win. Awful call on the double play cost the Brewers the game. Cubs are in trouble this year. No real closer. Zambrano is washed up (have fun paying him).
And this blog is run by hayseeds who have zero baseball knowledge. "oooh, it's gonna happen". No, no it's not. How many playoff wins last year?
Just pathetic.
I'm making a call to MVN on Monday as well. Going to have some fun with this awful site and the rubes who think they run it...
WV - nobody gives a fuck about what some loser says on your shitty site. Keep that garbage away from here.
nice sock puppetry there.
Anyone out there want Jeff Suppan?
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