Bill Hall wants out. A statement from his agent: "If Billy's not going to be an everyday player, it's probably best for him and the team to be traded," Bross said. "They could get a pitcher for him that would really help the team. I'm sure there are some teams out there that could use a third baseman or shortstop."
My opinion: That's fine, trade him. To me he's just a $6 million per year super-sub. In his career he's played his best baseball when he was filling in at a variety of positions while still fighting for a starting spot. Lets go year-by-year:
2005: Good year hitting .290 with 18 SB while starting 22 games at 2B, 53 at 3B, and 63 at SS
2006: Became the everyday starter 35 games into the season after JJ snapped his wheel. Ended up with 35 bombs, but still only played great for the last 2 months of the year. Then got paid...even if he's a career .253 vs RHP.
2007: Was a huge disappointment hitting .254 with 14 bombs. Everyone said it was because of the move to CF.
2008. Hitting a paltry .227 (.162 BA and .224 OBP vs RHP) with flashes of power.
Final verdict. He's a very expensive super-utility guy who inflates his stats while using pink bats.
In other news, the Brewers are Africa-hot but can't gain any ground on those damn Cubbies.
As Woz would say... K-bye
I've been calling for this for 9 years...
He should be ashamed of himself for complaining after the team signed him to a guaranteed 24 million dollar deal.
Get rid of him now. This is Russell Branyan's time to shine.
Brad...please add the "K bye" label.
The Brewers may not be gaining ground on the Cubs right now, but they have caught the Astros and are now in the process of reeling in the Cardinals...looks a little better than 2 weeks ago when they were in 6th place in the division.
Nice knowing you Bill. Will not be heartbroken to see you go. However, I don't see the team trading him. There is no way they are going to trot Branyan out there everyday.
Wasn't there reports this off season that Hall was real pissy in clubhouse at the end of last season?
Billy's salary=4.8MM this year, 6.8MM for '09, and 8.4MM in 2010 plus a 500K buyout.
a)it takes two to trade, so who's going to give up anything of value for an overpaid supersub who can only bat VS lefties?
b)who plays third if he leaves? Maybe Counsell to SS and Hardy to third?
Sorry Bill, shut up and cash your check. If you want playing time, please earn it like hundrteds of other major leaguers do each year. Thanks, signed everyone.
now is the time to make up ground on the damn cubbies. 23 of 32 away from wrigley to even up the schedule a bit.
Reminds me a lot of the capitalism vs. socialism argument. Why do people think they are entitled to things just for being alive? If you want something, go out and earn it. That goes for you Billy, put up or shut up. Sometimes life just isn't fair. I am a firm believer that people's true colors come out in hard times. I really like ya Billy, but your not giving me much to work with. How about a couple of bombs tonight? Bill....
You guys ask who is going to play 3rd base, seriously have you not watched the bombs I've been hitting lately, oh yeah I make like 25% of what William Hall makes. He comes out once a year w/ pink bats, GOD HE IS GAY.
bill (clap, clap) hall K BYE
Although I'd like to see him go, you can't trade Billy now. Teams won't give up enough for him, especially now that this has gone public.
Plus what happens if Weeks or Hardy gets a major injury? Would you be happy with Counsell starting every game for the rest of the year?
Sure if somebody blows us away with an offer, good, but to trade him just cause he's not happy puts us in a dangerous situation.
I agree completely with the other Brad. Keep him on the team as long as he doesn't become a complete Jerk Store in the locker room.
Are you guys dumb? No team is going to trade that contract for Bill Hall. I would give up a used condom for him right now if they took that contract.
this is obviously not a matter of 'if' they could trade hall, but a matter of 'when'. will you get properly compensated? probably not considered the guy has been ass for 2-plus years. but to say that nobody will trade for him and take that contract just blows my mind. there is always a foolish gm out there who will roll the dice on a guy like that for a couple reasons/cliches: play him everyday in set position/batting order, change of scenery, etc. if i hear the bill hall chant around me at the game tomorrow, i'm pelting them with peanuts....repeatedly.
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