(He's resplendent tonight in his black velvet sport coat, over a black Indiana jersey, by the way).
So what is my top 5 list?
5. Brady Quinn's Sister/AJ Hawk's Wife. While not bad to look at, she was publicized ad nauseum during the Fiesta Bowl a few years back. Thankfully, has faded into the background since Hawk landed in Green Bay, at least to my knowledge. I haven't seen a 1/2 Packers jersey, 1/2 Browns jersey yet...

4. Deanna Favre. I know it's probably sacriligious here in Packer land, but my goodness, does she ever get the air time during Packers games. For a lot of people outside of Wisconsin, I bet she's number 1 on this list.
3. Allen Iverson's Mom. She's one of those sign waving, jersey wearing, obnoxious-look-at-me-that's-my-baby sports parents that you want to throw a cup of ice at.
2. The Late Earl Woods. I don't like Tiger Woods' dominance on the PGA Tour. But I really didn't like having to hear about his dad Earl every time Tiger came down the stretch leading a golf tournament (which, as we know, happened a lot during Earl's life). This is not meant to be insensitive to Tiger's loss of his father - I just wish the TV cameras would have kept it inside the ropes...
1. Kurt Warner's wife. Enough said.
Anyone else have some that I missed? I just threw this together off the top of my head so I'm sure there are some obvious ones...
In defense of Deanna, she didn't get too much air time until she started the cancer research stuff...but I see you're point.
How about Peyton during last weeks Super Bowl? Yeah we know, he's Eli's brother.
Mike Wilkinson's wife was ALWAYS on TV. She was hot, but had the voice of a dude.
John Lucas' kid used to play ball at Oklahoma State right? I've kind of spaced on the details, and if I'm wrong then fine, but I seem to remember they would show that guy in the stands every chance they could....
I know Brad mentioned Peyton, but I would say Archie has gotten more than his share of TV time as well....
Peyton is a different category, as that's really only one game. The others are an ongoing affair. Plus, he was the Super Bowl MVP the year before watching his brother when the Super Bowl (and MVP). That's more interesting than, say, a crazy wife or EJ's dad, who is pretty stoic (even when Illinois fans throw things at him). Stay classy, Illini.
when? win. ack.
His dad did have a neat black velvet sport coat on, however.
Does IU ever wear their alternate black uniforms?
Mateen Cleaves' (I am positive I spelled that wrong)mom made quite a spectacle of herself at MSU games. She was liek Iverson's mom, only 3 times as large. I think the Wisconsin student section made her cry the game Mateen had to sit out the first half for doing something illegal. As a member of that student section, I had no problem with that because she was uber-obnoxious and I think that chant that got to her was "Al-co-hol-ic" towards Mateen.
I can't belive Warner didn't trade up for a hotter wife when he won the Super Bowl MVP
Impossible - the Warners get a 2-for-1 deal at the barber shop by sticking with the same haircut.
You don't walk away from an arrangement like that just to get a hotter wife.
probably doesn't count, but because of his lack of anouncing capability, his flat out ugliness, his retarded voice and half retarded son, I gotta pick Bill "the teams are going to try to outscore each other" Walton... no shit sherlock!
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