I listen to sports talk radio all day because A) I'm a glutton for punishment and B) my office is all jacked up and we can only gets about 5 stations: oldies, country, hip hop, elevator music, and sports talk. That's it. Those are my choices.
Anyway, ESPN had to fill the time spot left by Dan Patrick. They filled the first two hours with Mike Tirico - not bad, a pretty solid show. But the third hour (from 2-3) is the Stephen A Smith show. Holy Shit. This is the worst talk show in the history of radio. Just think an annoying 2 minute Stephen A rant on ESPN, but for 58 more minutes. Truly terrible...it makes me want to jam #2 pencils into my eardrums.
It's a little game I play with myself...how long can I listen to that idiot before I have to change the station- I haven't made it to the first break yet. Sadly, I didn't find Dan Patrick entertaining either. I like Cowherd- he's psuedo good to listen to.
Uhuhuhuhuhuha...he just said I play with myself.
i'd go with the oldies
dude... it's called streaming! Look into it.
Work doen't allow streaming...takes up too much bandwith when everyone does it.
OH MY GAWD!!! I couldn't agree more. I have to turn it off as soon as I hear Screamin' A. Smith's voice. Is this guy trying to be ghetto or what? I need to find my ebonics dictionary before I can even listen to him again (which I won't)!!!
Most Annoying Person Eva..
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