My dislike of Minnesota Athletics cannot be stressed enough. At football games it was always tough to stomach the "Crush Goldy's Nuts" chants as Bucky rammed Goldy into the goal post. On the bright side, the Gophers blow at the sports that matter. Seriously, think of all the good times Badger fans have had as a result of Minnesota's ineptitude. Anyhow, this leads me to my most recent random reason for posting. Tall white guys who play one or two seasons for the Gophers and don't do squat at the next level.
- Joel Pryzbilla (Did the Blazers really sign him for that much)
- Kris Humphries (Pretty gay spelling of a first name for a male there Kris)
- Rick Rickert
Probably my favorite of the bunch. As I alluded to in my earlier post, KG beat the crap out of him. Rick's Dad also had way too much influence over the Gopher program after forcing Rick to de-commit from Arizona. However, the reason I like Rickert the best is the fact that he looks like a Muppet. Good times!
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