Ugh, this has been a difficult first 7 games to watch. It is just painful when your team can't throw strikes. Can we say that Todd Coffey has been the best pitcher thus far? Can we say that Braun has been brutal to start the season? Can I actually admit that Corey Hart is off to a nice start?
As terrible as the pitching has been the last 2 nights, the Brewers have had changes to win those games. Thankfully the baseball season is a long process and startign out 2-5 isn't a death knell. However, somebody is going to have to step up in the rotation. It would be nice to se Parra complete 7 innings tonight. That bullpen may be gassed by mid-May. I know Woz is keepign his optimisim up, but the worst fears are coming true. The Brewers are going to need to score 8 runs to win ballgames.
By the way, this post feels very Mike Hunt-like. Not good.
Every possible bad thing has happened to the Brewers so far this year.
We're scoring all these runs without any help from Braun or JJ so far.
The pitching will get better, and some of the bad bounces (ie...grand slams) will start happening for the other team.
I ain't scurred.
It's been pretty brutal, especially tampon. I heard that if you read the lips of Macha when the soup went cold he says "He's pitching like a women". (Maybe if that women is a whore with super herpes)
It appears this year Braun's Hebrew Hammer is from the Fisher-Price work bench.
April showers will bring may flowers. (by showers I mean fuck and by flowers I mean the Cubs).
"Every possible bad thing has happened to the Brewers so far this year."
You could say the only two wins are from Yo hitting a 3 run bomb and one from the Cubs closer blowing it.
we all knew this wasn't going to be a "go for it" year and we'll probably finish 3rd in the division, so i'm not too concerned. i'll enjoy the smaller crowds at MP in the meantime.
The bats will warm up. Not that there is ever a good time to leave a man in scoring position, but we are choosing the absolutely worst times to do it. Pleny of opportunities the last two games to score a ton more runs.
You're scoring them without braun or JJ but there are others that are playing at levels they can't maintain (hall, hart, cameron). Not to mention the pitching is only going to get worse as the season wears on. How in the hell do you figure the pitching will get better? This is a .500 team....accept it.
wow 2-5 and we haven't had the sky is falling this team sucks e-mail from Chopp yet.
I agree with Woz, this season is WAY to yougn to hit the panic button.
Soup will be stashed in the pen soon, Braun will find his stroke, & Hopefully Rickey/ Hart continue to play well.
Plus we have the Hoff coming back soon.
In the end, I like it. Championship Season 2009!
Even if it becomes the worst-case scenario like the storm clouds suggest, and it's too early to think it will, the team will be fine. Let's say they are 15 games out of 1st place at the All-Star break; a complete meltdown. I would fully expect them to deal Cameron and Hoffman at minimum and add something in the prospect department as well as cut salary. They are in a good position to react to whatever their situation is at the deadline.
Just wait until Hardy has his 3 week hot streak for the year.....
(Also, Lincecum, Unit, Cain, Zambrano, Harden, Dempster, Volquez; those guys don't suck and the offense still looks decent. Just sayin'.)
Nubs - I'll take my .500 batting average of predicting the Brewers downfall (right in 07, wrong in 08) over your: "Championship season XX" predictions. I've been getting those texts after every game since about 04. That's 0-5, batting .000
They're Still Shitty
hey clown...i'm fascinated with your obsession with the cubs.
its seven games fellas...chill.
The Brewers have no idea what the letters RISP stand for.
Grammy, are you from WI, IL or somewhere else?
This will help in my explanation.
The thing that bugs me is that they're picking up right where they left off last season with the boneheaded mental errors on defense, leaving men on base on offense, and generally breaking down on the mound.
Those problems didn't get chronic until the second half last year, but they're at fall baseball levels already this season.
I'd love to be 2-5.
Well said AP.
And Chopp I'd rather go through life thinking championship possibilities then the sky is falling. Just makes it easier to get out of bed in the morning. God knows selling insurance doesn’t make you want to spring out of bed.
Way too early to hit the panic button. But one thing that was a worry before the season, is happening. The pitching staff is struggling.
I'm not sure I would count on it getting better. They may have some high points in the rotation and out of the bullpen, but overall I would count things getting worse.
For the record, I picked the Crew to win 85 games this year on another post....not exactly "sky is falling."
I can't believe you would even ask that question being from Milwaukee. Have you been to a Cubs game?!
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