The Mets sign Matty Wise who imploded last year after hitting a Cincinnati Red in the melon. If this guy was mentally unstable in Milwaukee, good luck in New York. I can't wait to see Braun sit on his 46 MPH changeup next year.
OK, this is getting stupid. Travis, if you have something to say about a post, great. One of the best things about the commnents is hearing both sides to an arguement. We each have our opinions and that is fine and this is the perfect forum to discuss that. However, your harping on how often Brad posts serves no purpose. If you are his boss, tell him face to face of your problem with this, otherwise, why do you care?
Guys...I thought we were talking about me? Finally I get some recognition and then you go off in some tangent! The doctor says I shouldn't let this go to my head... thanks DR. PHIL!!
Brad's record for picking games is horrible. Have you guys noticed this? Why doesnt Matt ever post about his huge lead? I dont even know why Brad bothers predicting games anymore- what a waste.
Travis looks in the mirror before every comment left “Travis is good enough, smart enough, and gosh darn it, Brad likes me” – yes he talks in the 3rd person when addressing the mirror.
8:58 post by Brad..boy that didnt take long
Yeah, this board would be a lot better if there was like 2 posts a week. That would be great.
OK, this is getting stupid. Travis, if you have something to say about a post, great. One of the best things about the commnents is hearing both sides to an arguement. We each have our opinions and that is fine and this is the perfect forum to discuss that.
However, your harping on how often Brad posts serves no purpose. If you are his boss, tell him face to face of your problem with this, otherwise, why do you care?
I'm going to start a new blog called "Travis is a pain in my a**", go monitor that one.
Just ignore him and he'll go away.
i'm with travis. bradley you really should be working harder on your projects. every time i walk past your desk you are on the internet.
Travis is Billups of the Week.
Great Call!
This board is going to ruin peoples self esteem the way we are going here: first AP, now Travis, whose next
-The Spears sisters
Guys...I thought we were talking about me? Finally I get some recognition and then you go off in some tangent! The doctor says I shouldn't let this go to my head... thanks DR. PHIL!!
Sorry guys. I'm an idiot.
Matt Wise needs to nail me in the head a few times.
Lets make a prediction on Brad's next post? Time of arrival? Topic? lets think Packers of course. Length? almost a page
Brad's record for picking games is horrible. Have you guys noticed this? Why doesnt Matt ever post about his huge lead? I dont even know why Brad bothers predicting games anymore- what a waste.
Talk about too much time on your hands.....if you point into a mirror Travis, you'll notice it is pointing right back at you.
Travis looks in the mirror before every comment left “Travis is good enough, smart enough, and gosh darn it, Brad likes me” – yes he talks in the 3rd person when addressing the mirror.
Why do you post under anonymous when your not sure if a particular post is solid or not?
Who is this Tony guy getting in the mix all the sudden? This is between Brad and Travis.
I'm a douchebag
i'm with travis. brad is a gis loving toolbox. plus he's a t bagger
Travis is right about one thing. I do dominate at picking games.
I just want some cock.
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