"Hi, my name is Greg Aquino and I'll be piloting this pennant race..."
It's another bullpen meltdown for the Brewers. All I have to say is...Greg Aquino?? Last time we saw him, he was blowing games at a pretty regular basis. So in his first appearance back to the bigs, let's put him in a clutch situation in the middle of a pennant race....even though the best reliever of the last 2 months (Shouse) was already on the mound. Bad idea? I would say so. Why not keep Shouse in? Or, here's a novel idea, how about letting CoCo pitch 4 outs? Anything's got to be better than Aquino, right? I know, I know, you are saying "well if Aquino comes in and does his job, you wouldn't be writing this." It's Greg Aquino. Greg "Hindenburg" Aquino. In the middle of a pennant race, 8th inning, with guys on base, Yost brings in Greg Aquino?? Might as well be Greg Louganis. Even the most ardent Yost supporter had to be saying WTF?? Oh, I forgot. We're not supposed to question the manager's decisions.
And how about red-ass Estrada's comments after the game. Someone asked him about the passed ball. His response:
"I called it down and away, it was up and in. Any more stupid quesions?"
Yeah, actually I have one: "Is the reason you've been traded 3 times in your short career because you're a first class Richard?"
For once, I agree with Brad. Aquino has no business in that game. You'd hope Turnbow could work through his struggles, but I go with Shouse for the rest of that inning rather than bringing in Aquino.
This loss is on Yost.
What was that? Greg Aquino. Number 1 he shouldn't have been in the game. Number 2 get beat on your best pitch. Number 3 I continue to believe that Johnny Estrada is a piece of poo. Wasted a good offensive day. Everyone knows that I am one who has stuck up for Yost when I have felt that he was the scapegoat for some of those losses, but I have no way to stick up for him here, clearly Aquino should not have been to the game. Ned Yost you need to bring your closer in when the game determines it.
How does Ned Yost have the gall to bring Aquino into the game in that spot?
I didn't see any post game interviews...what did he say when asked about his decision? HE CAN'T REASONABLY HAVE A DEFENSE TO THAT QUESTION.
And yes, Estrada is still a scumbag. He won't be missed next year.
Agree. I was not thrilled when I saw Aquino enter the game.
The thing that killed me about this loss was Turnbow was ahead in the count 1-2 on both guys he walked. Ugh.
Also, I am not sure why Cordero wasn't up and ready to go at that point.
As a stanch Yost apologist I will start with I’m sure he had his reasons. Now I will go onto say I have NO CLUE what those reasons are. I agree that Yosts call for Aquino is questionable but yesterday’s game can also be tracked back to Sunday when he went to the pen earlier then necessary. This pen needs rest and he has gone to the well a little too often at times. But we bitch when he keeps guys in too long, we bitch when he puts unnecessary stress on the pen. Whatever, the Crew isn’t going to win every game from here on out but 3 out of the last 4 is a good start to righting the ship. Let’s see how we fair tonight!
CoCo is fresh as a daisy, how about letting him get 4 outs instead of the usual 3? Is that asking too much?
Yost had three options other than Aquino:
A. Stick with Shouse
B. Go to Cordero
C. Anybody else (Spurling?)
Any of those options is better than Aquino. Just because you can close at AAA doesn't mean you should can be thrown into the fire in the big leagues. I understand that Aquino has pitched before in the majors, but so had Grant Ball Four - how'd that work out?
I thought I was the only one that hated Aquino...by the way, the Crew is in the middle of a pennant race and they call up this douche so their Triple-A squad can win their playoff games? Are the Brewers playing to win the minor league championship games or their own? And what is up with Attanasio saying he wonders why the fans are not asking him to pick up Yost's club option for next year...I don't remember where I read it, but I read it. Is he crazy? Yost is one of the worst "tactical" managers I have ever seen... Yost = lost revenue
while i agree aquino shouldn't have been pitching. yost had to put someone in in place of shouse because pence kills lefties. that said i would've rather seen rafael roque in there before greg aquino.
right now yost is damned if he does damned if he doesn't with "fans" now. pull a guy too soon he'll be questioned, leave a guy in too long same thing. i say enjoy the pennant race and quit trying to find a reason to bitch. when was the last time we could be excited about the brewers during football season. enjoy it.
In the post-game interview, Yost gave his standard "matchups" response as the reason for pulling Shouse & going w/ Aquino VS. Pence b/c pence is "batting 70 points higher VS. LHP's."
Question: If "matchups" is the name of the game, why does all LH batters (Gross, Jenks, Counsell) start VS. Oswalt?
Oswalt 2007 VS. Lefties=97.1IP/83K's w/ a 2.68ERA
Righties=93.2IP/59K's w/ a 4.04ERA
I completely realize that yesterday's game is NOT on the offense (HARDY!), but if you are going to preach something to me, at least be consistent. Wouldn't "matchups" be a good reason to hit Mench in place of Jenks Vs. the Cubs & RHP in the 9th inning?
....Oh wait....Yost was managing based on the "flow of the game" for that Cubs game. I suppose the "flow" of yesterday's game also justifies Shouse facing a righty & getting him out (sac fly), but then not letting him face another righty because Shouse has been the best reliever,and then putting in Aquino who in my book should be just ahead of me on list of options in a game where the Cubs/Cards were both losing and we are trying to hold down a 3 run lead which hasn't exactly been money in the bank recently.
It's just not a very important game is what I'm saying. Plenty of time to turn it around. The last road trip (3-6) they played better ball. It's a long season. No reason to burn Cordero there unnecessarily. Remember, it's up to the players to execute, Yost wasn't the one who gave up those runs. I hope Attanasio locks up Yost to a long term deal soon. 15 blown 3+run leads this year, but in none of those games did Yost give up a run or strikeout. There's a lot of baseball to be played yet. I like our "matchups" this month VS. the Padres & Cardinals plus a bunch of games on the road.
relax and enjoy the pennant race ap. jesus christ. these games are fun to watch when they mean something in september.
So...if that game was in October, would it still be fun to watch? I was at the game yesterday, and I didn't see too many people having fun at a meaningful game in September. Someone should call the team and let them know that they are now playing meaningful games in September, they haven't seemed to pick up on it yet. Based on Estrada's comments, it doesn't sound like he was too happy to just watch a meaningful baseball game yesterday. Johnny should just relax about that passed ball. Jesus Christ.
you really need to get a clue ap and stop taking your sports so seriously. they're not life and death man. i agree that the players should take it very seriously because its their jobs, but man they had a great weekend of baseball but that's all lost on you because they screwed uo yesterday.
AP- I like the fire, but the team is well aware of the stacks right now, I take Jonny’s comments as a sign he gets it. As for calling the team settle down, that was a great game and they didn’t quit till the 27th out. Minus Aquino sucking balls this team had fight in them all day. Just came up short. I don’t think you comments accurately reflect the heart of this team right now. This isn’t your older brother’s brewer’s team who mailed in efforts back in the day. These guys have some fight left if the pen can F’n hold a lead we would be fine. I like our chances.
What should my attitude be then? Indifferent? Happy? I'm confused....I can't take it seriously?
They had a great weekend of ball VS. the Astros & Pirates. Hooray. Print the playoff tickets...
Totally agree w/ johnny's comments Tony....I thought he had a pretty good weekend all around. I'm just sunburned from yesterday & angry that I witnessed yet another meltdown in a game I payed money to see. With that said, I've got Linebrink, Spurling, Shouse, & Cordero as better options in that spot than Aquino. It would seem that I'd only put Aquino in low levarage situations, and he made it into the game, so I'm forced to believe it wasn't an important game.
Isn't it nice to care in September?
This is like the "isn't it neat that we finished .500" two years ago. Sure, i mean it's different than usual, but that's some pretty low standards....I don't care if it's May, I'd still be pretty mad at losing a game we led by 3 w/ 1 out in the 8th.
...However, it was nice to see the majority of Chucky Hacks start to lean towards the anti Yost thing today. That is my silver lining from yesterday's game.
I do not like the people that say, "Yost did not give up the runs" are you then saying Yost is not culpable for anything? If that is so, why is he on the payroll? He's there to make critical decisions and manage the team...what has he done that warrants a contract extension? He's been given an ass-load of talent and so far they gotten the Crew as far as 81-81. I'm not fickle when it comes to Yost...I've disliked his style from day one and will until he is let go. If the Brewers go anywhere, it will have nothing to do with Yost!
Were you one of the main characters in Superbad?
Do you still think the Brewers should trade mench?
Answer my question and I will answer yours. The answer is Yes. Depending on what you get for him. A guy like that you have to trade after he has a good week. I am not impressed with a guy who cannot have an intelligent at bat. You would think if your head was that big (8 1/4)there would be a brain in there. He is a role player, totally replaceable. You have to ask yourself, what is the value that he brings to the team. Basically you need to determine what his level of replaceability is and I believe he is very replaceable. And yes I did see his nice hit yesterday.
Replaceable at 3 million per year? Who would you rather have? Remember, he's only here b/c Jenkins sucks against LHP, he's probably the #4 OF (Even though w/ Gross he might be #5), and he's relatively cheap. What would we get in a trade for him....? Don't just say "trade him" because trading is a 2 way street, who do we get to replace him & hit over .300 VS lefties?
and yes, I was one of the characters in Superbad.
I am confused, you asked me whether or not I thought we should trade him, I said yes, and then you say "Don't just say trade him." Isn't that a little counterintuitive? Did you want me to speculate what you think we might be able to get for him? The answer is yes I could, but it wouldn't be true, so I don't feel like wasting my time. Please say right now that Kevin Mench is irreplaceable. Please say it.
Oh wait, you are right AP, he must be irreplaceable, he is batting .571 in September with a .667 OBP.
His job is to hit lefties....at least that what it seems to me his platoon role is. For the year his OBP Vs. LHP's is over .900 and according to Cot's baseball contracts he makes 3.4 million this year.
I would think that since you've been driving the "trade Mench" bus all season that you have a player in mind who makes a comparable salary and hits lefties better than Mench.
In actuality, I know that you don't have a specific player in mind, and that you just know that he has a big head. Of course he's replaceable; almost anyone is. I would just think you could offer an alternative rather than just typing "he sucks" and that's all i was trying to find out. If he's so replaceable, GIVE ME A NAME!
Listen AP, it is common for most players to bat Right handed, which naturally allows them to hit Lefty's. Secondly, OF is the easiest position to play in baseball. Therefore, we have so many guys to choose from it is not even funny. I am not going to waste my time and come up with a list of players. Why don't you run the numbers on Sammy Sosa for me. Ok, because I have a hunch he probably hits lefties better than your boy Mench.
I got it....so that's the fix for crappy Mench. Trade him BACK to the Rangers for Sosa on the Brewers. Cool idea....we could just package Cordero and get Nelson Cruz back. We could see how committed Houston was to paying Lee; we could undo what is already done. Kind of like a bizarro trade. That would be fun.
My point is that the Mench/Cordero trade was great for the Crew. Even if we don't resign Cordero, he broke the Brewer saves record last night. Also, even though I hate Jenkins, I'm pretty sure the Menchkins platoon has been above league average this year.
Yet all year you've been pushing for a trade, which would undo what seemed to be a great trade for us. You also are the resident expert, so i assumed you had some other kick ass trade in mind that in my ignorance I was unaware of.
Lastly, if you hate Mench, you'd better hate Jenkins. If Jenkins could hit lefties we wouldn't have needed to go get a guy who can.
AP see you at the game tonite, where are you sitting? It's a school night. Did I ever say anything about Lee/Cordero not being a good trade. You remain to bring things into the argument that I haven't said. Yes I continue to feel that Mench is replaceable and I just ran the numbers on Sosa and he is batting over .400 against lefties with a similar number of at bats. So I guess it wasn't that far-fetched of an idea. You are not worth arguing with. You need to re-evaluate.
Keep it real, Krey!
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