A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has read/commented our garbage over the years. Especially Anonymous, that guy is awesome. We reached 400,000 hits, which is 380,000 more than I thought we would ever get. Thanks.
While we enjoy the
Brad has an email read by Czaban on Bob and Brian. It was obvious at least 3 more people wanted to hear more of his thoughts. Chuckie Hacks is born.
Matt doesn’t hate Cubs fans, he pities them.
We get an inside scoop from a friend. Post it on Charles. It ends up on Brewerfan.net. Which starts a discussion on the very meaning of Brewerfan.net and blogs in general. Excellent.
Matt doesn’t hate Cubs fans, he pities them.
We get an inside scoop from a friend. Post it on Charles. It ends up on Brewerfan.net. Which starts a discussion on the very meaning of Brewerfan.net and blogs in general. Excellent.

The Chuckie Hacks fascination of mini-horses takes hold.
Matty Wise earns the first gas can reference in CH history!
Port Washington High School (Matt and Brads Alma mater) basketball goes to State. This happens with Hailey’s Comet-like regularity.
Matt documents Opening Day 2007 with this fantastic diary.
Deadspin picks up Brad’s “ESPN is a Fraud” post. Later, it will be mentioned in Deadspin founder Will Leitch’s book. No joke.
Matt documents Opening Day 2007 with this fantastic diary.
Deadspin picks up Brad’s “ESPN is a Fraud” post. Later, it will be mentioned in Deadspin founder Will Leitch’s book. No joke.
The gang votes on The Most Painful Moments in Wisconsin Sports History.
Matt predicts the Packers to go 3-13. They finish 13-3 and damn-near goes to the Super Bowl.
A harmless Marquette post turns into stories about Freeway trying to sexually molest people. This continues the quality content on Chuckie!
Ever meet “Captain D-Bag” on the links? Matt has.
Brad predicts the WIAA football playoffs based on mascots. His predictions go 1-6.
When GB was 11-2, Brad asks where the TT haters are. People get mad.
Matt predicts the Packers to go 3-13. They finish 13-3 and damn-near goes to the Super Bowl.
A harmless Marquette post turns into stories about Freeway trying to sexually molest people. This continues the quality content on Chuckie!
Ever meet “Captain D-Bag” on the links? Matt has.
Brad predicts the WIAA football playoffs based on mascots. His predictions go 1-6.
When GB was 11-2, Brad asks where the TT haters are. People get mad.
CH management signs Woz off the waiver wire. He contributes immediately breaking down the MLB leaders in Cougar Poon.
Goldy, Matt and Woz vote Brent Favre as the best QB in football history. Their opinions may have changed since then. Well, at least Goldy's and Woz's.
Woz's life is complete - Gabe Kapler signs his Chipotle receipt!
Brad predicts the Brewers death on May 8th. Of course, they go on to make the playoffs.
We share a little bit of our not-so-interesting selves.
Brett Lawrie talks a big game - Woz comments on the size of his genitals.
A totally unbiased post on the Favre-Ted battle. Straight down the middle...totally unbiased.
CH management signs Woz off the waiver wire. He contributes immediately breaking down the MLB leaders in Cougar Poon.
Goldy, Matt and Woz vote Brent Favre as the best QB in football history. Their opinions may have changed since then. Well, at least Goldy's and Woz's.
Woz's life is complete - Gabe Kapler signs his Chipotle receipt!
Brad predicts the Brewers death on May 8th. Of course, they go on to make the playoffs.
We share a little bit of our not-so-interesting selves.
Brett Lawrie talks a big game - Woz comments on the size of his genitals.
A totally unbiased post on the Favre-Ted battle. Straight down the middle...totally unbiased.

Somebody likes Trenni. A lot.
Ned's infamous "Money Order." A great find by Matt.
We’ve been Yosted long enough. Ned gets fired. About 2 years too late, but fired indeed. Matt looks back at the Yost era.
The Milwaukee Brewers make the playoffs and party it up! The Kool Aid man dances!
Woz picks the Brewers over Philly in 4. Oops.
Goldy - probably not sending Favre a Xmas card this year.
A perfect College Football playoff is created in about 17 minutes. It's really not that hard.
The first (and only) Dave Parker Random CD of the Week. I really wish this would have taken off.
Chuckie Hacks gets mentioned on USA Today. Big time, folks. Big time.
Goldy - probably not sending Favre a Xmas card this year.
A perfect College Football playoff is created in about 17 minutes. It's really not that hard.
The first (and only) Dave Parker Random CD of the Week. I really wish this would have taken off.
Chuckie Hacks gets mentioned on USA Today. Big time, folks. Big time.

Chuckie Hacks represents at the Super Bowl
CH plays Summerfest, Goldy sets the playlist. From this day forward, whenever I hear Franz Ferdinand I think of Mark Mangino. Thanks, Goldy.
Actual research? On Chuckie?
OK Woz, this Trenni thing is out of control.
Exactly how do you lose to the same team 17 times in a row? Find out here.
Learning about us - Part II.
Woz heads to St Louis, good times follow.
Gym class was fun.
CH plays Summerfest, Goldy sets the playlist. From this day forward, whenever I hear Franz Ferdinand I think of Mark Mangino. Thanks, Goldy.
Actual research? On Chuckie?
OK Woz, this Trenni thing is out of control.
Exactly how do you lose to the same team 17 times in a row? Find out here.
Learning about us - Part II.
Woz heads to St Louis, good times follow.
Gym class was fun.
In closing, go Brewers, Packers, Marquette, Bucky (I guess), Mini-horses, Gas Cans, Cobra Kai, Muppets, Obviously, and the Kansas City Bucks.
In closing, go Brewers, Packers, Marquette, Bucky (I guess), Mini-horses, Gas Cans, Cobra Kai, Muppets, Obviously, and the Kansas City Bucks.
This was always the highlight of my day...you guys need to pass the buck! I'm sure Clown would be willing to carry on the tradition... this can't die
Fund-rais-er! Fund-rais-er!! It's like the guys from highschool all going to different colleges...
I hate goodbyes...
Before we officially leave Brad needs to retract that "Brewers are Winning the NL Central" post from earlier this month. They've been taking on water ever since, as per usual with Brad's Brewers predictions. Jerk.
Thanks to all of our readers. See you at Fish Day on Saturday. Go Brewers.
Gentelmen, it's been a pleasure. I've been a reader since damn near the beginning. Chuckie Hacks is one of the first stops on the web every morning. Great site guys, funny (always), informative (sometimes). but it was always enjoyable to read. If anyone has any suggestions for another humorous wisconsin sports blog I'd love to hear it.
Thanks again guys, and good luck from here on out.
This is worse than the time Michael Jackson died...
Thanks for keeping me entertained and up to date on WI sports news for the past year.
wtf? Noooo!!!! Are you kidding me?? You guys have the best wisconsin sports blog out there. Who cares if you don't post everyday. Quality is better than quantity. Are you telling me you wont want to voice you opinion on something on the blog ever again?
Please don't go. I can't not think of this everytime I see Parra
F'in brilliant!
Thanks for helping me waste a ton of hours here at work guys. Good luck to all of you in whatever else you decide to do.
(I feel like I'm signing a yearbook)
I gotta say I am disappointed
Pretty much Wisconsin's version of Deadspin.
Which is a pretty damn good thing.
You know how Firefox 3.0 has the "Awesome Bar," where your most visited sites are at the top of it? Well guess which site is at the top of mine. Thanks for all the entertainment for the last year, fellas.
As my football coach used to say: "It's been real. And it's been fun. But it hasn't been real fun."
Please Brad lift your curse on the crew before you go PLEASE.
I'll never orget driving to work and hearing Czabe say Brad from Lake Mills... I'm not sure what hurt more you denouncing PW as your home town or today’s announcement. I chose today. Been fun guys. Thanks
First ever Chuckie Hacks reunion tour. This Saturday in Port Washington. See everyone there FISH DAY!
Say it aint so Chuck????
Why must you leave us when we need you most?
I'm sorry I did not post more...but if you continue I promise to post everyday. You can't leave.....
You guys ran one hell of a site and it was a daily stop for me and I enjoyed it thoroughly.......maybe over a few beers at Fish Day the band will decide on a reunion tour.
Best of Luck guys and Great Job!
I would like to thank everyone for reading what we had to say. It's been a blast and I really enjoyed doing this. It's a sad day in the Goldy household. The puppy was so pissed that he decided to chomp on my finger this morning and split a fingernail in half. Not good times. Also making my typing worse than usual.
Anyhow, again, thanks to everyone for the kind words. It's been fun.
Ya'll can't go! Well, I mean you CAN, you shouldn't. I realize that real life and jobs and other bullshit happens, but... C'MON!
Damnit Damnit.
I just want to thank Management for bringing me on. Back in the day, this site used to just be me and AP arguing back and forth in the comments section. I had a good time watching the site grow and having fun with posts especially during last year's playoff run.
K bye to all...please be sure to incorporate the word Billups into your everyday vocabulary.
Well done gentlemen. You all should be proud.
If nothing else, this give me more time to harass the hayseeds on wv23, always a good time.
Not a "Favre-esque" retirement, eh? If one (or all three) of you are writing for a Vikings/Twins/Gophers/Wild/T-Wolves blog come September, so help me God ...
Cheers, boys.
I'm really going to miss Goldy.
Thanks guys for all the laughs. You were my first visit in the morning. If any of you want to continue to write in your spare time, there is a spot for you on the Wisconsin side at my site.
Good luck!
It looks like the two female readers will need to find a new sports blog to call home.
Good work guys...now get back to work, you've all been slacken' for the past 18 months!!
Bummer. This was a great site. Good luck in the future, guys!
Good times Woz, good times.
(My well-wishes go for you too.)
You selfish bastards. Now what the hell am I going to do to start the day? Black tar heroin? See you in rehab.
Thank God it is over!!! I felt like we ran out of new shit to bitch about three months ago! Just kidding great work guys.
I forgot about some of those AP/Woz battles from back in the day.
We have many great commentors, but I'd like to give a shout out to AP for being one of the first random people to check us out and leave commnets.
Oh, fuck. What am I supposed to do now? Actually talk to my family?
I visited everyday and always enjoyed it.
Does this make my light blue Chuckie Hacks t-shirt a collectors item? I'll put it in the same drawers as my Rollings Stones farewall tour shirts if it does.
Thanks for having us. My offer still stands to buy any of you a high life if I ever see you, except I have no idea what in the hell you look like.
Thanks Goldy. I wish I could remember how I stumbled across this place. I also wish I knew what portion of those 400K hits were from me. It's got to be a lot.
By the way, Ted Thompson rules.
This makes my job way more soul crushing. Well done guys and best of luck.
I have to go find something awesomely fun to do...because this makes me sad :(
Great work you guys - I'll miss ya!
I hope I am not overstepping my bounds here, but if you really enjoy the stuff we pump out on a semi-regular basis, I would suggest checking back in periodically to see where we land.
We all have been extremely busy and just don't have the time right now to continually put out quality content. Once things settle down a bit, I could easily see some of us back in the blog game. If we go anywhere else (or stay here) it will be mentioned on this site. Thanks again.
Goldy did I read that right. Is that a heart beat I hear. CLEAR, 1,2,3, CLEAR It's not dead yet!
Matt this is for you...
Readers: Hit me with it! Just give it to us straight! we came a long way just to read you, Chuckie. The least you can do is level with us. What are our chances?
Chuckie/Brad: Not good.
Readers: You mean, not good like one out of a hundred?
Chuckie/Brad: I'd say more like one out of a million.
Readers: So you're telling us there's a chance... YEAH!
At least you guys have lives, unlike the idiots who run WM23 from their parents' basement.
Man, I was just getting into this site. Especially after that (should be by now) legendary post by "Bison Dele" on the oil tanker for sale post...O well, I guess I can't wait until you all are beaten down by your busy jobs and lives, and your hatred of your families is so much that even beer can't help you cope enough that you'll come back to the blogosphere. So until that day, long live the Braun, Rodgers/Thompson, Ryan, and Beilema successes......it was fun reading guys.
Was great while it lasted...
Lets all view as trading Sexson at the top of his game... these guys are going in the shitter now...Kidding
Bon Voyage
Wow, this is bogus. You guys really gave me something to look at in between actually attempting work, and giving no effort whatsoever at work (I call it Yosting). If only it were April and you were making all of us loyal Hacks followers out to be fools.
And there goes the best blog on my blog roll.
Well this sucks. I've always enjoyed reading what was discussed on this site. Now all I have left is copius alcohol consumption and trash digging. Too bad garbage day was yesterday where I live. Truly sad.
So, I just get back from the Circus Parade festivities and this is what I find?! My Clown makeup is running down my face.
Where am I going to leave my stupid terribly over vulgar comments and lame pop culture references?!
Thanks for the awesomeness that was Chuckie Hacks!
You guys should still have the Hacks tailgate party. If you do I will come in full Clown getup.
I think I'm going to have to take Garcia's advice and start my own blog. I'll leave the info on here if anyone wants to check it out.
You guys rock(ed)!
This is worse than having to go through a break up.
This is some sort of awful "April Fools" joke, right?
I've felt better about life at funerals than I do now. As a regular reader for well over a now, not sure where to go during my lunch break from here on out? Today's a tough day indeed.
Any chance of a fire-sale/liquidation on the CH apparel? Put me down for some gear!
Well see where this goes:
It will never be a hacker like Chuck...
: (
This is bullshit!!
I check every day to see if you guys changed your mind...
Not yet.
Chuckie Carr quoted in tonight's game vs. Braves. Is it a sign?
Its not nice to see the Brewers completely go to shit since we hung up the blog. Man, getting smoked by the Nationals is just brutal.
Hey Goldy, I just knew after the Crew's debacle last night, someone would comment here.
If you and the other Hackers don't mind, we loyal readers could keep the blog going here on the last post comments page.
Oh, and Suppan sucks.
If people want to have a running conversation on how the season is going in the tank, that is fine with us. i'll even pop in to note how pissed off I am.
Something needs to be done. The Brewers are in the shitter since Chuckie closed down. Its a sign.
Bring Chuckie back! It was nice to see the Brewers show signs of life for one inning yesterday at the plate... but then... Well you know. They started taking naps at the plate and throwing batting practice from the mound. What a disgrace.
Brad will you PLEEEEEEEASE remove the Brad guarantee on the brewers are going to win the central. This is embarrassing.
Still checking in...
Why don't you people start this blog up again?
Best of luck! Check out MilwaukeeScoop.com if you're ever in need of good Milwaukee suggestions.
Still checking.....
it's a shame you had to shut er down
Many thanks have your share
The tribe standard is very good continues to refuel
Season starts on monday. Enough fucking around...start this blog back up!
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